
Bunny Manor Hotel

Health and Hygiene:
Vaccinations required for our guests stay.
Rabbits will need to have current and up to date vaccinations for VHD & Myxomatosis and provide a vaccination card upon booking. We strongly recommend your rabbits are also vaccinated with RHDV2. Vaccinations must have been done at least 2 weeks prior to the stay. There is now a single Nobivac vaccination which covers Myxamatosis, VHD and RHDV2. Speak to your vet about this. Your rabbit will still need to be vaccinated, even if it lives indoors.
If your pet needs any treatment or medication we are happy to do this for a small additional charge. I would be delighted to offer a grooming service for a small fee.
You will be asked to provide your vets and your contact information (and/or that of a trusted friend) on the booking form. This is only in case I need to contact you in an emergency.
If an animal becomes sick whilst with us, we will take it to your vet, or to ours, whichever is closest. You are responsible for any vets fees and travel, and I will need to be reimbursed when you collect your pet. Please confirm at time of booking if your pet is insured.
Large accomodation. Competitive pricing.
Passionate about the care of your much loved pet.